If you are looking for a good solution to your web site needs, there is only one. You own site made especially for you and your business in a fashion that makes you look great!

There are many ways to make web sites. There are many companies and individuals willing to make your web site. The question is, "What do I want?" If you want the best solution, you need a quality web site designer. Someone who will work with you to present your information in a professional, quality mannor. I would like to help you do that.

Explore the Custom Made Web Sites Examples section to see some of my custom made web site designs and solutions.

This involves a multitude of considerations. As a web site designer, I must visually present your information in the proper format. Appropriate artwork and appropriate navigation. From you, the information must be proper, well written, covering the proper areas of concern, etc. Melding these elements in a qualilty solution is my mission.

Beyond those obvious surface issues are details. Individually small but all important and collectively as important as the information and the image you present. Concerns about search engine placement, correct html coding of your pages, updates, corrections and changes, supplementary advertising issues, future expandability and growth, speed of site loading, compatibility issues, emailing methods, and more ... all need to be considered and coordinated into a cohesive plan. If you intend on doing more extensive business through your web site, e-commerce, bulk-emailing, user data collection, log analysis, your own search engine on your site, etc., these too must be considered and properly integrated.

I have years of experience in these areas. Some of these areas I am an expert at, other areas may require additional experts (an e-commerce set up for example - it's a programmer's function), but all need to be integrated. I can work with you and any called for outside specialists to keep your site a unit rather than a hodge podge of patched elements.

Please call me to discuss your needs and desires at 352-628-9866.